Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Proposition 8

So I have a friend who told me not to worry about prop 8 and its outcome because I don't live in California. WHAT? Now I understand activism and working locally to affect global change, but why would I not care? Who knows my future? Who says that I couldn't be in California in a few years (besides the housing market)? I am so tired of the GLBTQ community just taking seconds and not stepping up to the plate.

 What affected change in race relations was that people EVERYWHERE were fed up. Why can't I be fed up too? When Rosa, Malcolm, Medgar, Bayard, and others stood up and inspired every other black person to stand up, it was heralded as an event in american history. 

I actually have friends who say that will NEVER happen with the GLBTQ community. I say, why not? If f*cking George Bush can steal an election, if Scooter Libby can be pardoned, and if we can wage a war for no reason other than revenge, than why can't the GLBTQ community stand up? My mother taught me that the fun comes after the hard work, but not in the GLBTQ community. We always want to party and never want to show up the next day for even simple empowering work, like AIDS awareness. Why? 

I think we are scared. We are scared to go to jail, to be blacklisted, to have our lives (as comfortable or uncomfortable as they are) be upset in anyway. This mentality of fear has to go. Where Daisy Bates, Ernest Green, and Thelma Mothershed scared when they walked into Little Rock High School for the first time? Hell yeah they were. Did their fear paralyze them? Not a chance. I am not waiting anymore, I plan to step up now....

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The Frames - Falling Slowly

I don't know you but I want you all the more for that.
Words fall through me and always fool me and I can't react.
And games that never amount to more than they're meant will play themselves out...

Take this sinking boat and point it home, we've still got time.

Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice. You've made it now....
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